WCTE Registration

Third World Conference on Transformative Education (WCTE)

  • UPR San Piedras

“Transformative Education in the Americas”

University of Puerto Rico – Rio Piedras
San Juan, Puerto Rico
April 4-6, 2024


Register for the 3rd WCTE

The planners for the 3rd WCTE are excited to announce that the conference will be held in April 2024!

The Global Institute for Transformative Education (GITE) in conjunction with Nuestra Escuela in Puerto Rico are organizing The Third World Conference on Transformative Education (WCTE) in San Juan, Puerto Rico on April 4-6, 2024, under the theme: “Transformative Education in the Americas”.

Do you believe high quality education is the pathway to socio-economic and political transformation of the Americas? If your response to this question is yes, join us in Puerto Rico for The Third World Conference on Transformative Education, to chart new avenues for the Americas enduring development through education.


Registration Page

Registration is Now Open.

Registration for Participants and Presenters
(Includes conference participation, conference materials and conference meals)

You can register at the 3rd WCTE EventBrite pageClick here!

Early Bird Regisration is open until March 10, 2024!

  • International faculty/K-12 educators/researchers (USA, Canada, UK, EU, Japan, Australia, New Zealand ) $280 (early- bird registration $250)
  • International faculty/K-12 educators/researchers (Africa, Asia) $100 (early- bird registration $70)
  • Puerto Rico faculty/researchers/policymakers $150 (early-bird registration $120)
  • Latin America and the Caribbean faculty/researchers/policymakers $130 (early-bird registration $100)
  • Puerto Rico Teacher education faculty $100 (higher education faculty not included)-early-bird registration $70)
  • Latin America and the Caribbean Teacher education faculty $80 (higher education faculty not included)-early-bird registration $50)
  • Puerto Rico Students and K-12 teachers $40 (early-bird registration $20)
  • Latin America and the Caribbean Students and K-12 teachers $20 (early-bird registration $10)
  • Non-Puerto Rico, Latin America and the Caribbean students $60 (early-bird registration $30)



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